2nd Step Program

Dear Parent/Guardian: 

I am pleased to inform you that Lewis F. Cole Intermediate School has partnered with The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources (TCADR), a program of Children’s Aid and Family Services, who obtained a grant to fund a character education program for our sixth-grade students. This program, known as The Second Step Program, will be facilitated by TCADR. TCADR has been serving Bergen County for more than thirty-five years. 

The Second Step Program focuses on topics that will help your student succeed in school and in life. These topics include: 

  • Empathy 
  • Communication 
  • Respectful disagreement 
  • Negotiation and compromise 
  • Emotion management 
  • Coping skills 
  • Decision making 
  • Alcohol and drug information 

Using a combination of lecture, DVD, and interactive activities that feature "real life" situations, the Second
Step program gives students an opportunity to practice new skills in an engaging way.

The Second Step program will be offered to all 6th grade students. Due to grant requirements, the student’s demographics are taken during the pre/post-test; however, no students are identified by their name on the pre/post-tests. The pre/post-test asks questions regarding how much a student agrees or disagrees on statements about different situations students may find themselves in and how hard or easy it is for him/her to use the skills discussed during the Second Step program. The results are used to report overall changes in attitudes regarding bullying and skills discussed (across all 6th grade students) and to evaluate effectiveness of the program so that students receive the best skill education possible. Individual responses and completed tests are not shared with school staff.

The program will consist of ten periods of instruction during your student’s health period. Please feel free to speak to Ms. Clausman should you have any questions about this program.